Community Safety

The council run a number of initiatives aimed at reducing crime and antisocial behaviour.

Operation Hana

This is a high visibility policing initiative delivered in partnership with Bedfordshire Police. The council fund additional police patrols throughout Houghton Regis, enabling the police to have a more obvious presence on our streets, to act as a deterrent and to collect valuable first hand intelligence. The council works with the police to identify those areas most in need to target resources most effectively. 

Extra CCTV Coverage

HRTC also fund a mobile (redeployable) CCTV network. Working in partnership with Bedfordshire Police and Central Bedfordshire Community Safety Team, the Council arrange for 3 redeployable cameras to be sited in areas most at need. The cameras are monitored at the CBC CCTV station and evidence is taken from them to assist the police in identifying and prosecuting those committing crime and ASB.   

Bulk Waste Subsidy

To try and reduce the incidence of fly tipping on our streets and open spaces, the council is working in partnership with Central Bedfordshire Council to offer a subsidy to residents for the collection of bulk waste items.

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