Youth Services

If you are aged between 12 and 18 and fancy doing something different on Mondays after school, come along to the Pop-Up Cafe!

We have lots of great activities!




Youth Council


The Youth Council is a group of young people aged 12-18 who attend meetings on a regular basis and volunteer at council events.

We aim to help make events more appealing to everyone in the community, especially young people.


Every two weeks, we attend meetings on Wednesday after school, from 4-6 pm.

At these meetings, we discuss upcoming events, past events, and our budget, and we consult on events that will affect young people in the community. We regularly volunteer at council community events, such as glitter tattoos, selling merchandise, planting flowers, helping children with activities, hosting a bungee run, and many other things.

As well as helping out at existing town-wide events, we also create, plan, prepare and deliver new exciting community experiences such as our well-attended graffiti art project.

Written by HRTC Youth Council Members

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