Community Services

Town Noticeboards

As you travel around the town you will notice a number of noticeboards. These display details about council events and activities which are taking place and at times also display important public notices. 


Community Grants Scheme

The Council have been delighted to support a variety of local organisations through the Grant's Scheme.

The work which takes place in our community from these and all the other charitable, voluntary and not for profit organisations is amazing and contributes to our community in so many ways.

A big thank you to all those who help manage, organise and volunteer.

Project Grants can be up to and including £800  (20% match funding is required).

No more than 80% of the total cost of the project can be awarded

How could your organisation benefit from this cash injection?

Please make sure you read the essential facts for the 'Project grant', as grants which aren’t fully completed may be returned to you, which may slow your grant application process down.

Project Grant Application Project Grant Essential Facts 

For additional information on funding within Bedfordshire please see this link: 

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