About the Town Council

Houghton Regis Town Council is the ‘parish authority’ for the town of Houghton Regis. It acts as a consultee and lobbying force with Central Bedfordshire Council, putting forward the wishes and needs of the local community.  

Houghton Regis Town Council’s work covers three main categories:

  • Delivering services to meet local needs
  • Representing the local community
  • Striving to improve quality of life in Houghton Regis


How does it happen?

Houghton Regis Town Council is made up of 14 Councillors representing three parish wards, who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the Council Staff. The Council as a whole is responsible to the people it represents – that’s you, the local community.

Finding out what we do is easy; have a look around our website and social media channels, read our resident's newsletter, speak to your local councillors or attend a council meeting.


Council Services

Please contact the Town Council offices on 01582 708540 to discuss any of the following.

Democratic representation & management
  • Councillors
  • Town Mayor
  • Deputy Town Mayor
  • Town Mayor's Christmas Cards and gift
  • Statutory consultee for planning & licensing applications and other strategic policies
  • Civic events
  • Mayoral events
Recreation grounds & pavilions, including
  • The Village Green, Kitchen Garden, Picnic Area,
  • Moore Crescent Recreation Ground,
  • Parkside Recreation Ground,
  • Tithe Farm Recreation Ground,
  • Orchard Close Recreation Ground.
Play areas
  • The Village Green
  • Parkside Recreation Ground, including multi-use games area
  • Tithe Farm recreation ground, including multi-use games area & skate park
  • Orchard Close Recreation Ground
Sports facilities
  • Football
  • Cricket
  • Bowls
Open spaces
  • Windsor Drive
  • Dog Kennel Down & Former Railway line
Burial grounds
  • Houghton Regis Cemetery
  • All Saints Churchyard
Street furniture
  • Noticeboards
  • Seats
  • Litter bins
  • Dog bins
Community events including
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • May Fayre
  • Carnival
  • Pride of Houghton Awards
  • Houghton Rocks
  • Santa’s Grotto
  • Christmas Lights Switch on
  • Fair visits
  • Circus visits
  • Fireworks 
  • Website
  • Facebook
  • X (formally Twitter)
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Town Crier Newsletter (bi-annually)
Town centre public toilets
Community grants scheme
Community services
Community safety


For issues regarding the below PLEASE CONTACT Central Bedfordshire Council on 0300 300 8000 or centralbedfordshire.gov.uk.

  • Highways
  • Street lights
  • Parking
  • Road signs
  • Road/Street maintenance
  • Council Tax
  • Housing
  • Education services
  • Social Services
  • Waste, Fly Tipping

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